Homilia de D. Anselmo Chagas de Paiva, OSB – IV Domingo do Advento (Ano A)

Jesus nascerá de Maria, prometida em casamento a José Mt 1,18-24 Caros irmãos e irmãs, No coração do Advento, ao nos aproximar do Natal, a liturgia enfatiza as figuras de José e de Maria.  O texto evangélico deste domingo lança o olhar para a região da Galileia, onde Maria estava prometida em casamento a José […]

Windows Display Settings are Greyed Out: 7 Ways to Fix it

Two pr ofessional driving instructors have compiled the top 100 que stions that every successful candidate must be able to under stand and answer. By applying to a job using CareerBuilder you are agreeing to comply with and be subject to the CareerBuilderTerms and Conditionsfor use of our website. To use our website, you must […]

Solved How to Fix Windows detected a hard disk problem”

Therefore, it’s advised you back up important data immediately if you can still access the hard drive, and this may prevent data loss in future. The message “A disc read error occurred” shows on a dark screen with no error code. Believe it or not, faulty RAM stick or RAM slot sometimes can be the […]

How to fix an unresponsive script error

Bad drivers, malicious software, corrupt or missing system files, registry problems are among them, and the list goes on. Therefore, we advise you to try each fix below to make sure no stone is left unturned. First, it is essential for the normal functioning of your operating system. Second, even if you shut ndis.sys down, […]

How To Take Screenshots On Windows 10 Laptop PCs 2022

If the Bluetooth option is grayed out, your computer may not support it, in which case you need a USB Bluetooth adapter. There could also be a hardware problem with the Bluetooth device, or there could be an issue with Windows Services. Alternatively, toggle Bluetooth from the Windows 10 Action Center. Select the speech bubble […]

How To Remove or Replace appraiserres dll in Windows 11 Setup

If you have already installed the software to open it and the files associations are set up correctly, .DLL file will be opened. If Windows keeps asking you what program should be used to open the file, the problem is most possibly caused by broken files associations. Also, at the time I left the windows […]

Mac drivers for a Dell monitor? Apple Community

Here you can find details on how to uninstall it from your computer.The Windows version was developed by Screenovate Technologies Ltd. You can download the Companion App and give it a try if you’re not sure whether you need Dell Mobile Connect. If you need additional assistance, you can always reach out to Dell Support. […]

5 Methods How to Rotate Screen Windows 10 You Should Try!

Microsoft is back with a new version of Windows that’s designed to feel modern and easy to use. Are issued to your online Dell Rewards Account (available via your Dell.com My Account) typically within 30 business days after your order’s ship date. “Current rewards balance” amount may not reflect the most recent transactions. Check Dell.com […]

How to Take a Screenshot on Chromebook With the Snipping Tool

Move the AirPods close to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and open the lid. The AirPods battery status should show up on your device’s screen after some seconds. If other Bluetooth devices connect to your PC without issues, there’s likely a problem with your AirPods. But if your computer fails to connect to all […]

13 Tools to Record Audio on Chromebooks and Other Devices

If this is your first visit, your browser will ask if you want to give this site access to your microphone. Our headphone mic test tool charges you with zero money, no signup or registration is required. Close all your tabs and windows and start recording afresh. Active Campaign A simple Google Chrome plugin to […]

Homilia do Mons. José Maria – IV Domingo do Advento (Ano A)

Que Jesus trouxe ao mundo!? Estamos próximos ao Natal e muitos cristãos estão afogados nas preocupações com presentes e festas. O pior é que parece que tem que ser assim, afinal, não podemos parecer estranhos! Porém, junto dos legítimos desejos de boas festas e presentes, corremos a grave tentação de esquecermos o significado e o […]

Homilia de Dom Henrique Soares da Costa – IV Domingo do Advento (Ano A)

Is 7,10-14 Sl 23 Rm 1,1-7 Mt 1,18-24 Estamos às portas do Santo Natal. Eis o que vamos contemplar nos ritos, palavras e gestos da sagrada liturgia: o Verbo eterno do Pai, o Filho imenso, infinito, existente antes dos séculos, fez-se homem, fez-se criatura, fez-se pequeno e veio habitar entre nós. Sua vinda ao mundo […]